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There has been a notable surge in the number of women in the workplace. This occurrence has been registered worldwide in the last decade, owing to women’s and girls’ empowerment. There is a gap in the workplace and society at large in terms of women in leadership. However, there are some strides everyone can take to boost female leadership.

Evaluate Recruitment Practices


Whenever a company is hiring, they usually recruit through a hiring agency or their human resource managers. Although more women are encouraged to apply for opportunities, not many are selected at the entry-level. The hiring agency or the managers involved ought to consist of a diverse team. It will give them a broader perspective regarding the individuals they recruit, make the screening process more thorough, and reduce biases formed during the recruitment process.


Periodic Pay Review


Wages are a form of compensation given to workers for the services they provide. A step that can be taken in line with promoting female leadership is to conduct periodical wage reviews to ensure fair compensation for work done. Bonuses should be reviewed periodically to ensure that the women and minority groups, such as the disabled, are not left behind.


Focusing on Positive Work Culture


Studies have shown that companies that consider the workplace environment, workers’ well-being, and workplace satisfaction have better performances. These companies are characterized by a better balance of work and life, allowing women to be free and perform better. The companies allow for flexible hours and schedules, which present desirable working conditions for women.


Listen to Divergent Views


Men and women are innately different. Subsequently, their work styles are different. Companies must give ear to women’s views and working styles and integrate these other methods into the workplace culture to benefit all genders. It will help nurture the individual abilities and propel the success of the company to greater levels.


Promote Female Employees From Within


Successful companies are those that promote employees from within the company. Training and promoting skills and abilities within the organization is critical. When women come together and are empowered within the organization, they can give back their expertise to grow and further develop the company. Encourage women with potential, even if they think they are not qualified because oftentimes they are more qualified than the male counterpart.  Studies have shown that men are more apt to take risks with jobs than women.